Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pretty much - ONLY in ALASKA

OK, this is what I did on Saturday, Feb. 16,2008. We took about an hour and 1/2 drive to a place called Point Mackenzie somewhere close to Wasilla, Alaska. Our son, Jordan, decided sometime ago to run a race in the middle of WINTER!! Well, this was as close to winter as you can get without the temp being below 0 degrees :) The temp was actually, 10 degrees or so. It was a 50K race and it started at 11 am. (the 100 mile race started at 9am) Check out the link if you would like more information on the race. It is called the Susitna 100 race. I made sure that he was equiped with all that he needed to be safe and warm. (warm is a matter of opinion-cause he said he would be warm and I'm thinking, "with those clothes-NO") But anyway, he raced and arrived at the finish around 7:30 pm with a worried mother awaiting the phone call that he was alive!! The temperature wasn't that big of a thing-it was the wind. It was HOWLING and it was snowing. Not good racing weather as far as I was concerned. He came back home alive and well, with no frost bite!! Believe it or not-he is thinking of doing this again next year.

Here we are at the start of the race-all excited for him! (I guess) :)

Does he look prepared for a winter run?

Here they all are at the starting lineup. The contestants could either run, bike, or ski.

Here they all are going up a shoot just beyond the starting point.

My husband and I walked up the trail a little bit. This coat looks like it would be warm but it is all show. The only good thing this day was the hood for protection from the wind. I'm sure you could almost feel the bitter cold of this day. Anyway, I thank the Lord for the protection and safety of all the racers.


Connie Marie said...

I was running that day too! I ran to the car, ran to the house, ran into the store, ran out of the store.... it was definitely not a day to be running outside.. at least for me!
You look beautiful in your coat.

Constance said...

Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that there is winter weather in other parts of the country! Sat was chilly (for us) with rain and drizzle. We had a fire in the fireplace all day long. I made chili in the crockpot and we stayed indoors! I like your coat! Thanks for sharing the picutres and I'm glad there wasn't any frostbite!

mrsjojo said...

Connie, you are too funny! I keep telling people that the coat I wore on Saturday is only for running from the house to the car etc!
Constance, I have the same thoughts but in the reverse: there are people sitting in the sun today by the warm water and palm trees swaying and we are wearing loads of clothing and trudging thru the snow!! (global warming is having a hard time here) :)

junglemama said...

This is one race I would never run. :) I hate the cold. My husband took the kids to the snow while I stayed home and planted tow flats of flowers. Ahhh, spring is in the air.

Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

That Jordo is an amazing guy! I might do something like that if one of my kids lives depended on it. Even then, God would have to supernaturally empower my body to be able to do it. But just to do it for the mere 'pleasure' of it? Like I say, he is one amazing kid. It makes me even more proud of him too though. There are so many other things young men fill there time with and here Jordo is making good use of his youth and challenging himself in such healthy ways. I'm just delighted with that youngest son of yours! Tell him, "Way to go!" from the Marlowes!