Monday, August 16, 2010

Foggy Seattle and Sewing Room

My sewing room is back in commission again. I had packed it up before we headed off to Ak so I had to unpack as soon as we got back. The only thing missing is the cord and foot pedal for the sewing machine. :) Jim had packed and mailed them from Alaska without me knowing. (big mistake) :)
Went to Seattle the other morning in the fog on the ferry. I tried to capture the towering cranes hiding in the fog. You can enlarge the photo to barely see them. The day was special having a wonderful day in Seattle with some dear friends.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Finished quilt

Front and backing together

Finished product---almost finished--I still have to do the binding.

BUSY at work!

This is the pattern that I quilted on the quilt.

All rolled up, ready for quilting.
You can sort of see the design quilted.

I was in a rush when I posted these photos so they aren't in order. I'm just glad that this project is finished.