Monday, August 16, 2010

Foggy Seattle and Sewing Room

My sewing room is back in commission again. I had packed it up before we headed off to Ak so I had to unpack as soon as we got back. The only thing missing is the cord and foot pedal for the sewing machine. :) Jim had packed and mailed them from Alaska without me knowing. (big mistake) :)
Went to Seattle the other morning in the fog on the ferry. I tried to capture the towering cranes hiding in the fog. You can enlarge the photo to barely see them. The day was special having a wonderful day in Seattle with some dear friends.

1 comment:

Constance said...

LOVE your sewing room, especially the quilt hanging on the wall! I share my scrapbooking space with Dave's Dairy collection in our daughter's old bedroom. Once Charlie is finished with college and is completely on his own, I'm taking over his room for my scrapping and it will be the ONE place in the house that I can decorate however I want to!!