Saturday, May 19, 2007

King Cove

I am so glad to be able to share these photo memories of my trip to King Cove for Mother's Day this year. I hope you enjoy the photos and videos. It took a lot of time obviously. I hope it makes my kids want to return to the land of their grandfathers and grandmothers. :) I had to share these photos of these rocks by my brother Kenny and his wife Marlene's house. They are so beautiful. I tried to lift one to see if I could take it with me when I left but , guess what? they are REAL and realllllly heavy!


Constance said...

I have been off the computer for about 10 days due to a hard-drive crash. I absolutely LOVED your pics and video! I got choked up when I saw the photo of your mom and her surprise to see you. As a mom and having my oldest daughter and her family live out of state, I know how happy I am when we are altogether. It was probably hard to leave and come back home.

Your rock pictures reminded me of something. Years ago on PBS they aired a special called,
"Alone In The Wilderness" about Dick Proenneke going to Alaska in the 1970's and building his cabin from trees right there on his land. He lived there until he was in his eighties. He had 2 big rocks on the pathway and he called them "GRIZZLY EGGS"!
Connie in Texas

mrsjojo said...

I've been busy with traveling, packing and getting my blog updated so I haven't checked out your blog or Connie's to see what you girls are up to. Too bad about the computer crash-I hate when that happens!!!
Yes, it was so good to see my mom so surprised and what a treasure to capture it on camera! That was the second Mother's Day that I've had with her since I left to go to high school. (and that was a LONG time ago!!)
I saw that PBS special you are talking about. He did a fabulous job in all he did including the filming of the ordeal!!
I'm glad that you got your computer fixed.
We are now taking boxes out of the house and taking them to a U-haul storage place. My husband is taking 2 weeks off to get this place cleaned out. His last day of work is June 14th then we head on down the long beautiful road to Phoenix. I would like prayer for all that is involved in this trip.

Connie Marie said...

I can't imagine such a big, drastic change! Moving to the Lower 48! I pray that the whole trip will go well, no mechanical problems and you both will grow closer together and maybe even be doing things like "screaming, hollering and chasing" (I think that is the way she described it) around like Connie from TX and her hubby do!

I love rocks and I love round rocks too! We stuck some of those into our luggage when we went down to Kodiak once, not that big but big enough to make the luggage throwers think... I wonder if it is gold?

Such beautiful pictures! Vern and Lisa keep inviting us down on the ferry ... maybe when Doug retires.

Constance said...

I will definitely keep you in my prayers! It's a huge change but God will see you through this next chapter of your lives. I know when we retire, in less than 10 years, it'll be an enormous adjustment!

mrsjojo said...

A quick note this evening. WE got news today that my Mother-in-law broke her hip and will need surgery. She will be in surgery tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.

Connie, you and Doug need to go to King Cove. It is such a fun place to visit-it's such a great experience that everyone should have!! (Keep that in mind, Constance for you and your hubby-I would be glad to accompany you) :)

Both Jim and I are excited about this new chapter in our lives. It is going to be different obviously. Life goes by soooo fast and only whats done for Christ will last. That has always been in our thoughts and will continue to be so. God has lead us to do this and we trust in His continuing direction and protection. He is so good.

Constance said...

Gotcha covered!

Connie Marie said...

How did Jim's Mom do with the surgery? I hope it went well and that she will heal quickly and completely.

mrsjojo said...

My mother in law's surgery went well. I talked to her a few hours after the surgery and she sounded good. She will be tested now that physical therapy will start real soon. Please continue your prayers. Thanks