Tuesday, January 23, 2007


We got my mother in law out of the hospital a week ago tomorrow. She is doing well but is in need of 24/7 care. We will be keeping her in her own home with my son and his wife caring for her. They will be needing a lot of prayer support. My husband and I will be taking care of all our business in Alaska and come down here to take care of her. It is a huge decision but we believe it is a good one. We are staying Phoenix for 2 more weeks. I'm certainly enjoying the warm weather and the green trees and the oranges and grapefruit hanging on the trees!


Constance said...

Is Phoenix going to be your new residence or is this a temporary situation?

mrsjojo said...

It looks like Phoenix will be our new residence once we settle things in Alaska. We expect it to take about 6 months. But it is ALL in the Lord's hands. Please keep us in your prayers, these are huge decisions to make.

Connie Marie said...

Wow, that is a very big decision to make. Oranges and grapefruits huh? That will be so easy to take. We enjoy those fruits when we visit Doug's folks in Florida.

God bless your decisions Jo and Jim and I hope all things go smoothly.