Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Peaceful Religion

I think it is fasinating that Bush and many others, after 9-11, were quick to blare out the fact that Islam was such a peaceful religion!!! Who do these people think we all are: brain dead? These were Islamic barbarians who smashed into and destroyed the towers and people's lives on 9-11. It is very ironic that these same "peaceful people" have been so destructive after seeing a cartoon depicting Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. I read that Islam widely holds that representations of Muhammad are banned for fear that they could lead to idolatry. What do you think of that? They apparently are pretty righteous folks, but actually, I don't believe that. Seeing is believing and peaceful isn't what I've been seeing or reading about.
Another observation on this whole cartoon thing is that our freedom of the press seems to be supressed!! Isn't that interesting that we of all people in the world are "free" and they are not printing this cartoon in the media in our country? Maybe, we are afraid that these people aren't as peaceful as we were being forced to believe!!
There is only PEACE through Jesus Christ. In all my years of believing in the Bible I've come to the conclusion that living life the way Jesus taught in the Word of God, the Bible, is the only way to have a peaceful life. Jesus says in John 14:27, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you.... This is what I call peaceful!


Connie Marie said...

So... you make anymore cookies lately?

This is a frustrating topic because what we hear of Islam (is peace-loving) and what we see of Islam don't match. I have not seen and don't want to see any of the cartoons so I won't comment on them.

Some people believe that there is no difference between the God of the Bible and Islam's god. This is not true.

The sad truth of today is that the spiritual warfare over mankind continues to rage on.

The God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob redeemed mankind from the clutches of Satan when Jesus Christ was born, lived among men, died and conquered death and sin after he rose up from the dead. This God of the Bible continues to offer eternal life to all. God's enemy, the Evil One pursues as many as he can to blind them to this truth and he will use any religion (even a fake Christianity) many times to keep people in darkness.

The peace we can have now is only in our hearts and is not on Earth yet. But Jesus Christ's resurrection gained us peace on Earth in the future. That will come in His time. (Our Father which art in Heaven....thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done...)

I am always thankful to realize that these hateful news events are no surprise to God. God does not condone these hateful acts either, it's not His will that people kill each other. It's man's own doing.

Through God's grace and believing that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, all of mankind, (no matter what religion they boast to belong to) are being wooed by Jesus Christ who wants all of mankind to be saved from the Wrath to come. This Wrath was never planned to be for mankind either, but for Satan and the 1/3 of Heaven that rebelled against God.

Constance said...

Amen Connie! I was pretty much thinking the same thing myself. while I'm a Bush supporter ( I am from Texas you know Ha Ha) Even he is bound by the Politically Correct thing when he makes speeches etc, leaving Jesus out of it. I asked myself once why we can talk about God but when you say Jesus, people get their guts twisted up in knots.

I've come up with a theory. Every other religion is all about works. If we do this or do that, we can gain entry into heaven, that somehow we have a hand in our salvation. Christianity is the only one where we have to empty ourselves of pride, recognize we NEED a Savior and humbly ask Him to live His life in us. We do NOTHING in and of ourselves to access heaven. That just sticks in people's throat. Maybve moreso we here in America who consider ourselves, self-made and beholding to no one!