Friday, January 27, 2006

Things are lookiing up!!

Hey, we woke up to only 5 below 0!! So things are looking up!! I peeked out the window and it is snowing teeny tiny snow flakes. I'm braving it today and not wearing my wool sweater that I only wear when it is below 0 otherwise it is much too warm. Actually, I'm wearing a t-shirt, a long sleeve pullover top and a sweatshirt!! Pretty cool-huh? I look like quite a site for "no" eyes. :) but, hey, I'm going to be warm.


Connie Marie said...

I hope that your warmer (hehe) weather and snow is moving this way.

mrsjojo said...

Yes, Connie marie, we got the warmer weather and happy about that. I noticed that while we were driving through town the temp was 4 degrees. A little snow so hopefully, you get the warmer weather also very soon. By the way I really liked your photo of the snow on the branches that you posted yesterday, I believe. You were able to capture the glistening of the snow. I haven't been able to accomplish that yet.