Sunday, September 07, 2008

Time with the family

Mackenzie turned 2 years old on August 15th. Here she is with a friend who turned 2 a week before she did. They celebrated their birthdays together.

I'm here in the Seattle area with the family and Mackenzie is having a ball with my shoes. She says that they are her shoes. I tell her that they are mine and I'm sharing with her. After being here for 4 days she is now saying that they are her shoes and she is sharing with me. :) She loves to hear them bang on the tile floor. Here she is watching the shoes as they make their "lovely" noise.

Lunch time
I'm having a wonderful time needless to say. I will be back home on the 13th and will get more photos up of our fun time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. JoJo,
I saw your name and response on Beth Moore's blog - and when i saw that you love to sew...i thought i would write and see if you wanted to do a few online projects together....i haven't been able to sew for years with all the high school kids we had...but now, with my nest a little emptier, i am looking for a new reason to start back and get some fresh ideas.
My email is: if you are interested in sharing a few stitches in time.
In Him,
Loved your sweet website too...

Connie Marie said...

AWWWWW! Those are such cute pictures of Mackenzie and your shoes, haha. I saw those very same steps done here at home and with my granddaughters!