Sunday, April 11, 2010

Safe trip!!

I want to take this time to thank God for the safe and fabulous trip we took to Phoenix and back. We flew down on Monday and started driving up on Thursday. We got home Saturday evening at 11:30, very tired.
The weather in Phoenix was fabulous--everyone there seemed to be dreading the next few months of hot temperatures! Well, it had rained there quite a bit lately and it showed! The grass was green, the cactus was in bloom and so was anything else that was growing-it just blessed my soul to see the beauty. Seeing the desert in bloom all the way up the sides of the "mountains" was just lovely!
The purpose of this trip was to go and take care of my husband's mother's estate. We packed up the moving truck in a couple of hours on Wednesday and did some shopping. We stayed with our dear "roommates". (Our cousin's, the Becks) They gave us some juice oranges to bring home with us which make the SWEETEST fresh squeezed orange juice.
Off we went on Thursday morning. We drove over to California--the beauty of the scenery and the weather were just plain delightful. The sight that blessed my soul the most was seeing the palm trees swaying in the breeze---just raising their arms in praise to God!! We drove thru the farmland (breadbasket of America), that is a sight to behold. You can also see the results of corrupt politics out in the farmland. Speaking of politics: we saw miles and miles of wind mills and I would venture to say that only about 1/4th of the wind mills were working. It is an amazing ugly sight to say the least. I don't think they can hire enough workers to fix them all. No wonder the state of California is broke, just wait and see what they are going to do to fuel all the cars that are battery operated. (which need electricity, btw, not to mention the rare earth metals needed for those vehicles, that need to be stripped from the earth)
Enough of that, the trip just had to have something to bring me back to earth!
I just can't say enough of the beauty of the trip: northern Ca was beautiful, Oregon was fabulous, going up in the passes was amazing, the foliage was all budding. We got into Washington in the dark so I wasn't able to enjoy the beauty except to see the water when we went over the bridges. Well, we got home safe and sound and soooo thankful to have my own bed to sleep in. We are BLESSED-thank you God for blessing my little soul.

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