Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Little dancer

Mackenzie will promptly start dancing whenever she hears music. In this video, you can tell that she isn't allowed to touch the computer--but this was grandma's so she thought it was ok. :)


Connie Marie said...

Isn't cool the way babies know how to dance? Nobody tells them to dance when they hear music but they do! I love it.

Always makes me wonder who decided that dancing was something we should not do, and why?

Constance said...

It's good to see you're back! Your grandbaby is precious! I think she is your heart's delight! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Hope you had a wondeful holiday!

mrsjojo said...

I'm with you on that Connie!

I spent Thanksgiving with my parents and a sister and one of her daughters. Later in the evening my 2 sisters and I did karoke together and had a great time!

Anonymous said...

All Right! The cat's out of the bag now. Next time you come to Phx you're going to be demonstrating some of those fancy dance moves and vocal stylings. We're going to get a Karoake machine just for the occasion. I can hear you now, "Jim, I'm never going back to Phoenix!"

Actually, I think it's pretty obvious that God created us to dance. Yeh, non-believers do, but they also laugh and shout at ball games. I don't think God has outlawed those yet.

I have to admit that your granddaughter is really a cutie and I don't flatter. Whoa, I just realized she's my grand niece. Stop that! You're making me feel old.