Monday, August 20, 2007


Here is our grandbaby Mackenzie at her one year old birthday party that I put on for her. She had a party the week before with all her friends that her mom and dad put together with some friends. Then a week before that her grandparents from Illinois (Toomey's) had a party for her in Colorado. This is one party girl!!

A funniest moment came when she unwrapped her first gift: she was delighted with the small piece of paper she had ripped off the present!! She was as happy as can be walking around with it.

By the way, she is walking all over and I must say she is doing a great job. She falls often, but then, off she stands up and goes on. It is very entertaining.

Here Mackenzie is posing with a cute little monkey that her aunt Mandy brought back from Brazil for her. She thinks it's pretty cool.

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