Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fall weekend

My hubby and I went out shooting this past weekend. It was a lovely day for taking photos. I was very successful in shooting down the targets with my 22 pistol, at least for the first couple of rounds. My shooting finger got tired after the first couple rounds then it was hard to pull the trigger! ! I'm glad we got out when we did because we have been having a LOT of rain and wind and the leaves are flying off the tree limbs like a snow storm. Seeing the fall colors just makes me stop and thank God for the beauty he has created in the colors and foliage, it is just amazing.

1 comment:

mrsjojo said...

Ya, I scared all the targets right down-they didn't want to argue with me! LOL I managed to get a few good fall photos since the sun showed up for a couple of minutes that day. :)